Decorative and artistic czech glass
Company history
The company history dates back to 1990, initially dealt with the production of replicas of jewelry and imitation jewelry from the Art Nouveau and artdeco period from artists such as Alfons Mucha, René Lalique, Fouquet and Cartier. Currently, the company is the successor of the production of the replicas of historic originals of the prewar manufacturers from the first half of the 20th century in Jablonec in North Bohemia in the range of decorative and utility glass.
The company owns one of the largest collection of decorative and utility glass produced in Northern Bohemiaand in the Jablonec region between two world wars and in particular companies Hoffmann and Schlevogt. He continues the historical tradition of glass manufacturers in the Jablonec returning products to the market which have been irretrievably lost.
Company JaS delivers the products to shops in Prague, Karlovy Vary and Marianske Lazne. The company exports its products except the domestic into the EU and the USA.
The company also focuses on the rental of both residential and non-residential premises owned by the company in the center of Jablonec nad Nisou and Liberec. Objects in Lidická 15, Mírové náměstí 3 in Jablonec nad Nisou and object in Pražská 133/6 in Liberec are registered as cultural monument of the Czech Republic. Other objects owned by the company are in town monument zone. The best-known renters are Commercial Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Bata, Soliter or Schlecker.
— Jaromír Schubert, Founder
Product history
In the second half of the twenties of the 20th century, thanks to the success of production René Lalique at the Paris exhibition of decorative arts in 1925, artistic crystalware bacame established in the Jizera Mountains. This was simply a range of flaconware and vanity sets. The oldest design of this type of glass comes from the Josef Schmidt company in Příchovice from 1924. The instigators of „a la Lalique“ pressed glass production in the Jizera Mountains are also Johann Umann refinery in Potočná and especially Heinrich Hoffmann, which in the twenties of the 20th century were one of the largest glass companies in the Jizera mountains.

Through cooperation with local artists František Pazourek, Zdeněk Juna a Alexander Pfohl could create distinctive range. The company manufactured glass, not only transparent but also glass from a lapis, jade and ivory. Later, other enterprises began to dedicate themselves to the production of artistic crystalware, such as Bruno Posselt in Tanvald, Josef Riedel Glassworks inPolubný, and last but not least, the company Curt Schlevogt in Jablonec nad Nisou led by Hoffmann’s son-in-law.

In the thirties began to produce luxury pressed glass, the collection presented in 1934 at the fair in Leipzig under the trade name Ingrid. The company is known, in particular articles of jade, lapis and turquoise. European artists such as Ena Rottenberg, Eleon von Rommel, Mario Petrucci, Ida Schwetz-Lehmann, and local artists such as Arthur Plewa and Josef Bernhard participated in the creation. Importance of the end of the twenties of the 20th century became production of contemporary cut crystal. The most important producers were companies Gebrüder Feix and Johann Umann in Potočná.
Between 1945 and 1948, Northern Bohemia glass companies were expropriated by the country and combined in various forms of state enterprises.
Examples of contemporary drawings from designers and artists from the 1st half of the 20th century compared to current production.

The company is authorized to use the country of origin labeling in languages mutations Czech Glass and Bohemia glass and is the owner of the historical trademarks Ingrid glass, Hoffmann glass and Schlevogt glass and also of registered protected industrial designs for a number of products that were inspired by historical drafts.
Historical trademarks
Trademarks with the names of original manufacturers and colletions
- Ingrid glass
- Hoffmann glass
- Schlevogt glass

company certificate

certificate 24% Pbo – TOM Bělá lead crystal
(Company Tom Bohemia Crystal, s.r.o.- supplier of raw materials for production)

Judgements at law
Extracts from the decision of the Regional Court in Liberec concerning the legal proceedings of Jablonex Group,a.s. (Ornela,a.s.) againts Ing.Jaromír Schubert from 6.11.2008, reference number: 37 Cm 105/2005-485 and the High Court in Prague concerning the legal proceedings of Jablonex Group,a.s. (Ornela,a.s.) againts Ing.Jaromír Schubert from 23.09.2009, reference number: 3 Cmo 70/2009-564.
Extract from the professional attitude from a professor of Masaryk University in Brno, lecturing the issue of unfair competitive conduct Prof. JUDr. Petr Hajn, DrSc. from 14.9.2005
a) in this range is generally useful the existence of several manufacturers.
b) in the law against unfair competition generally hold that the imitation is one of the important ways of the civilization development and can be disable only in specific circumstances and only for a certain period.
c) The same right belongs to all manufacturers to produce and distribute replicas of decorative objects, now historical.
Judgement of Regional Court in Liberec concerning the legal proceedings of Ingrid Schlevogt againts Ing.Jaromír Schubert from 6.2.2007, reference number: 36 C 21/2005-123 and the High Court in Prague concerning the legal proceedings of Ingrid Schlevogt againts Ing.Jaromír Schubert from 8.11.2007, reference number: 1 Co 162/2007-180 regardingt the right to use the trademarks Hoffmann, Schlevogt and Ingrid. Mr.Jaromir Schubert is entitled to use the trademarks Hoffmann glass, Schlevogt glass and Ingrid glass on the basis of Hight Cour and Industrial Property Office decision.
Rozhodnutí Úřadu průmyslového vlastnictví o zamítnutí návrhu Ingrid Schlevogt na výmaz ochranných známek Hoffmann glass, Schlevogt glass a Ingrid glass.